English For Fun!

is a special school for English as a foreign language: NO formalities and no complications but only the desire to take the risk of accepting the funny challenge. Enjoy.

* Starter #1
* Starter #2
* Parts of the body (Face)
* Opposites [1]
* Opposites [2]
* Plurals
* How long / often / far ?
* Irregular Verb List
* Word Choice!
* What is The Question?
* What nationality are you?

+ Home #1
+ Home #2
+ Speak, Say or Tell ?
+ Quite Difficult!
+ Alphabet Riddles
+ More Riddles
+ Proverb Quiz
+ Multiple Choice
+ Our Solar System
+ 65 Proverbs
+ Vocabulary Games
+ Adjectives
+ Adj. in -ful
+ Adj. in -less
+ Adj. in -ous
+ Dog Cat & Horse
+ Passive Voice
+ Challenging Quiz
+ Comparatives
+ More About Adjectives

¤ Baccalaureate
¤ Bac. {2006 / 2007}
¤ Special Riddles
¤ More Riddles
¤ More Links [1]
¤ Enjoy English
¤ More Links [2]
¤ Find Jokes
¤ More Jokes
¤ General knowledge Quiz

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